Medical Tourism Blog
Medical Tourism: Travel to Another Country for Medical Care
El turismo médico es cuando una persona viaja a otro país para recibir atención médica. Cada año, millones de residentes de EE. UU. participan en el turismo médico. Los turistas médicos de los Estados Unidos suelen viajar a México y Canadá, así como a países de...
Medical tourism: Assessing the evidence on treatment abroad
Neil Lunt The York Management School, University of York, Sally Baldwin Buildings, Heslington, York YO10 5DD, United Kingdom Percivil Carrera Mannheim Institute of Public Health, Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Heidelberg, Germany The review focuses on...
Medical Tourism: A SWOT Analysis of Mexico and the Philippines
Lydia L. Gan University of North Carolina at Pembroke; Medical Tourism Research Center Nina Oviedo University of North Carolina (UNC) at Pembroke - School of Business Medical tourism is an industry that has been experiencing continuous growth in recent years. It is an...